An animating world map with colours changing from top to bottom of green, yellow, red and purple

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A horizontal Ultra Violet index ranking system from One to Eleven and beyond. Each number has a corrispoding Colour as followed, 1 is green, 2 is pale green, 3 is yellow, 4 is orange, 5 is darker orange, 6 is red orange, 7 is cherry red, 8 is blood red, 9 is pink, 10 is purple, 11 and above is violet.
Daily UV Forecast
Low Ultraviolet indicator with the levels between 1 and 2
Moderate Ultraviolet indicator with the levels between 3 and 5
High Ultraviolet indicator with the levels between 6 and 7
Very High Ultraviolet indicator with the levels between 8 and 10
Extreme Ultraviolet indicator with the level of 11 and above
Featured Locations for:

Temple Frames available soon!

An arrow graphic made up from multiple lines
Click HERE for more details!

A 2D map of the world Showing the Ultraviolet Index level using the corresponding colour scale 1 is green, 2 is pale green, 3 is yellow, 4 is orange, 5 is darker orange, 6 is red orange, 7 is cherry red, 8 is blood red, 9 is pink, 10 is purple, 11 and above is violet
Map Courtesy of TEMIS
Click HERE For Canadian Forecast
A 2D map of the Canada Showing the Ultraviolet Index level using the corresponding colour scale 1 is green, 2 is pale green, 3 is yellow, 4 is orange, 5 is darker orange, 6 is red orange, 7 is cherry red, 8 is blood red, 9 is pink, 10 is purple, 11 and above is violet
Map Courtesy of TEMIS
Click HERE For Global Forecast
St John's